Agricultural and Prescribed Burn Notices

Forecast is updated by 3 p.m. each day

Entire State North Coast NE Plateau Sac Valley Mtn Counties San Joaquin Lake Tahoe Lake County
Bay Area NC Coast SC Coast Great Basin Mojave Desert Salton Sea South Coast San Diego

The notices on this page do not necessarily reflect the burn status of your local area.

You must contact your local fire permit official (local air district or fire agency) for final authorization to burn.

Fire Weather Links:   California |  Oregon |  Nevada |  Arizona

Lake Tahoe

Call (916) 445-0746 if burn decision is missing

Basin 24-hr Decision
Fri Dec 6
48-hr Forecast
Sat Dec 7
72-hr Outlook
Sun Dec 8
96-hr Trend
Mon Dec 9
Lake Tahoe Marginal
Marginal Marginal Favorable

For More Information

El Dorado County AQMD

Phone: (530) 621-6662
Fax: (530) 295-2774
Burn Line:
Mtn Counties: (530) 621-5897 or (866) 621-5897
Lake Tahoe: (530) 621-5842 or (888) 332-2876

Placer County APCD

Phone: (530) 745-2330
Fax: (530) 745-2373
Burn Line: (800) 998-2876