Diesel Assistance Form

Staff are available to provide compliance assistance for ARB's heavy-duty diesel vehicle regulations by email or phone. Required fields contain an asterisk (*). For expedited service, answer all questions and click the submit button.

Your contact information
* First name:
   Last name:
* Phone number:    Alternate phone number:
* Do you prefer to be contacted by:   Email?  Phone?
   Email address:
   What is your preferred language?    English?   Spanish?   Punjabi?  
* Have you previously called the Diesel Hotline?   Yes  No
   TRUCRS ID Number, if available:
* Company name:
Do you need your TRUCRS password? Yes  No
Do you need your TRUCRS username? Yes  No
Your fleet information
* 1. How many diesel vehicles do you own?
       1  2-3  4-10  11-20  20+
* 2. What is the gross vehicle weight rating of your vehicles? Check all that apply
       6,000 - 9,999 lbs.
       10,000 - 14,000 lbs.
       14,001 - 26,000 lbs.
       26,001 lbs. or more
* 3. What is the vehicle's engine model year(s)? Check all that apply
       2010 or newer
* 4. Do you own or pull 53-foot or longer box-type trailer? Yes  No
* 5. Do you visit CA ports or railyards, or carry marine containers or cargo? Yes  No
* 6. Do you own or operate a reefer or transport refrigeration unit? Yes  No
* 7. Do you own diesel powered portable or off-road equipment? Yes  No

Click any statement that applies to your vehicle(s)?
8. Your vehicle operates exclusively in Alpine, Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Monterey, Plumas, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Northern Sonoma, Trinity, Tehama, and Yuba counties.
9. You own a vehicle over 33,000 lbs that only transports whole logs and has permanently attached bunks?
10. The vehicle is owned by a public agency or private utility?
* Type in your question:
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The purpose of this form is to assist you with compliance and does not fulfill any reporting requirements.